To Take from a Blog and Re-Post on a Blog

Since finishing undergraduate school I have always been interested in learning. The easiest way for an educator to learn is through other educators. As technology has advanced reaching other educators with different experiences has grown. One of the most frequent things I do now as an educator isn't reading educational magazines, but skimming through a list of educator blog sites reading the most recent topics.

On one blog I came across a discussion about a recent conference he held at their high school. Within the post were quotes and a link to the conference key note speaker. I watched the entire 60 minute key note engrossed more so than I had been at conferences I'd attended in person.  Needless to say it was amazing and had my mind moving.

It highlighted the most progressive school I have seen with use with technology.  This means students were blogging, broadcasting, and creating content to shape their digital footprint. Within the school it has multiple charging stations for students to charge their BYOD's.  It shows were technology can take us.  The keynote addresses many other important aspects of education with a focus surrounding technology.

Below is a link to the video I highly encourage all educators to watch. (Partly I was also fascinated because it holds powers within activities that many schools are still struggling to decide what to do with.)  Teaching a technology class I have a vested interest in the use of technology in other schools and even within the classroom having a set of google chrome books in the classroom.


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