CCSS Curriculum Becoming Aligned to Itself ?

What happens when CCSS Curriculum starts to become aligned?!? 

This all leads me to the questions outlined below.  My students have just finished a quick unit on Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple which is standard 6.NS.4.  Within Ten Marks I helped many students on a Hamburger or Hot Dog problem, depending on what version they got, and how many buns they would need to have equal amounts.  (Hotdogs and Buns are not packaged in similar amounts).

At first this problem just in wording within Ten Marks was a stumbling point for many, but with a little help we were able to work through it.  I was amazed at the complexity of the problem, but then looking closely through Engage NY I found a very similar problem.  See the two problems below:

In conclusion either the person writing the problems works for multiple companies or they are somehow tied to SBAC or PRACC.  I would assume this as the rigor in both and similarity is unmatched in many curriculum's outside of basic/rote problems.

Engage NY 
Hot dogs come packed 10 in a package. Hot dog buns come packed 8 in a package. If we want one hot dog for each bun for a picnic, with none left over, what is the least amount of each we need to buy?

Ten Marks
Mrs. Parker is planning to organize a party. She wants to purchase hamburgers and hot dogs for the party. The hamburgers come in packages of 10, and the hot dogs come in packages of 11. She wants to purchase an amount that will not leave any extra hamburger or hot dog.
What amount will not leave any extra hamburger or hot dog?

Part 2

Mrs Parker decides that she will need enough hamburgers with hot dogs to serve 310 people, but she still wants to have an equal number of hamburgers and hot dogs. Decide which amount of the following she will need.
Total number of hamburgers with hot dogs: 

Packages of hamburgers: 

Packages of hot dogs: 


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