Versal By Math Standards

Recently I presented a series of links at the Southern Oregon Tech Summit.  While my presentation could've been longer, it was hard to gauge how quickly people would be able to get logged in and how much time they'd like to explore as well as how much they had seen before.  With that said hopefully they found something useful that they hadn't heard about before.

Primarily the neat thing about the whole presentation was the creation of a "moodle" like course on Versal.  The power of this course was links to outside web pages by content topic that provide students with practice, instruction, or manipulatives, and/or things I like.

While this might not hold a ton of value for individuals for me it has created an organized site of my favorite bookmarks that are lost in a whirl wind of everything. It also helps me as I frequently bounce between grades with 6th-8th so one thing I use one year I might not need again for another couple years, but can't remember where I found it.

I find it similar to my goal of placing all my copies as scans in my google drive folder by content topic. Just another step in making my life easier.

Now just to keep up with keeping it up to date and finding some type of strategies for people to find out when I do large updates for them to check.


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