2015-2016 School Year

It's already August and there is still lots to do for the upcoming school year.  I have a to do list in a previous post, but so far I am two curriculum's down with one left to go. Perhaps the most important one that is. (Sometimes it's tough working away from the cell/internet/computer).

On the to do list still is to finalize that curriculum for outdoor education. I am going to have a pretty cool guest speaker series if I can get it to work out. I also need to order all my agriculture kits for the various lesson, and still have a huge box to bring to my new room and have yet to see where they placed the projector.  With that I believe I will probably start taking tons of time off from the second "j-o-b" and start checking off that list.

I also need to finalize fall speaking engagements; it looks like I'll be at the Siskyou County ESD and then also at the NW Math Conference in Whistler (This is one I present at because I love the free admittance to the conference).  Both topics will be on mobile labs in middle school mathematics.  I still need to update speaking slides and the web host side of links.

And I have an overdue book review. I need to get myself to the coffee shop ASAP and get this done, because the book is great! It should be a must read or scan for math coaches who are trying to better learning goals/targets for any middle school math program!

I'll update on the last few things once I get them finished and hopefully get some room pics up so everyone can see the learning stations.  PS A lego wall is also in the works.  (It'll be small as lego's are expensive...PS II that comes out of summer tip money ...oh the love of teaching)


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