Where is the Number Sense & False Facebook Shares

Today the most catching news on my Facebook stream perhaps was the link to the article that stated Samsung was going to pay Apple in nickels. Immediately I looked dubiously at the "friend" who had posted this link, and chuckled. Still to my amazement I thought this mustn't be true.  I followed the link to see the article pulled off the web page. I continued to Goolge the topic regardless hoping to find the articles false claim. And I proceeded to be amazed at my lack of up to date-ness with this possibility. Why? Hello it happened end of August all of this back in forth about the Samsung/Apple lawsuit. (I will continue with my excuse of being on the river with no internet or cell connection to relate to the world at large)

Needless to say my thoughts in the article search was Dan Myer where are you???!!!!  You have to make this into a math problem tied with standards for your fancy little graph paper diagram that I cleverly take from for my support classes because the video's are awe inspiring for the students and quiet frankly let me be blunt... I lie and say that your arm or voice is my brothers because it catches the kids attention quicker and makes the problem that much more interesting. http://blog.mrmeyer.com/
(The fancy little graph paper diagram by standard link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AjIqyKM9d7ZYdEhtR3BJMmdBWnM2YWxWYVM1UWowTEE&output=html )

The results of my inquiry were overwhelming while Dan Myer I haven't found your lesson plan with questions on this problem; the internet has created a slew of information already on the mathematical possibilities of this problem.   See the links below:

And lastly I leave the mathematicians with this...this is not the first time information has been presented as mathematically not correct. For example take the video on the explanation of Sponge Bob Living in a Pineapple Under the Sea.


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